Wednesday 22 April 2015

Important reminder 

As we are approaching the end of the course, I feel there is a need to remind you about some important dates and events.


Week 10 (current)  

  Tomorrow 23rd April you will conduct your survey in class and will proceed with the evaluation of the results. You may go beyond the class limit and interview more people if you like.

 I assume you have already done some literature review within two and a half weeks. We will go through some parts of the Research Report again this week.

1.      Assignment 6 Causes and Effects (your final) has to be submitted by Friday (24th April) by 3pm.

2.       Listening test 2 will be held in both EAP2 classes on Friday (24th April) at 9am.



Week 11 (27th April-1nd May) Monday is Anzac Day, a public holiday.


3.      The first draft of the Research Report should be submitted by Monday 27th April by 10pm for editing.

4.      Presentations Research 4 will be given on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (29th - 30th April & 1st May), in three groups.

5.      You will be given edited Research Report 4 back on Wednesday to be finalised and submitted on Sunday 3rd May by 10p.m.



Week 12 (4th May- 8th May)


6.       The TEP test .The date will be confirmed.

You will be given Listening, Reading and Writing based tasks.

Your Speaking skills will be assessed by the tutor (Tanya) based on your Final Presentation.


Wednesday 6th May / Thursday 7th May

You will be informed about your score for the EAP2 class based on your course contribution, which includes:

Assignment 1,2,3,4,5, 6

Research 1,2,3,4,

Research Report

Listening Test 1&2

TEP test

Reading and Vocabulary tests ( Skills Class)



Students who are high (A) and good (B) achievers will be given recommendations for tertiary programmes in AIS.


Note: the dates for the submission  of the Assignment 6 &  Research Report are given as a deadline , so feel free to submit them earlier if you feel so ( e.g. Miyuki for Assignment 6 ( first draft) and Leanne ( final ). You can earn more credits and save time.

Good luck to you all!




Thursday 9 April 2015

International toruists in China

This line graph shows the number of international tourists who came to China in millions from 2010 to 2014.
In 2010, there were approximately 133 million international tourists in China. This number reached a peak of 135 million in 2011. Surprisingly, the number of foreign visitors decreased steadily to 129 million between 2012 and 2013. Continuously, in 2014 it followed by a slight fall to 128 million which reached the lowest point in past five years.

Overall, the graph presents that the most popular period of China inbound tourism was 2011 and slipped slightly from 2012 to 2014.

China National Tourism Administration. (n.d.). China Tourism.
Retrieved from

The number of international tourists in China between 2012 and 2014

The number of international tourists in China between 2012 and 2014

                  This bar chart shows numbers of  international tourists from the five foreign countries between 2012 and 2014, and the five countries are the most numbers of tourists in the last three years.
In the past three years, the number of South Korean tourists is the largest, but did not grow steadily. They fluctuated around 4 million between 2012 and 2014. There was a drop of more than 500 thousands to the second most country, the Japan, with a sharp decrease between 2012 and 2014, and a steady fall in 2014. The third country was the United States, with a steady decrease around 2.4 million. This was followed by Russia. In the past three years, the Russians decreased steadily between 2.2 and 2.1 million. The Vietnamese made up the least group to travel to China, but it was only a group of rising in the top five. It went up gradually.
Overall, the bar chart shows that the South Korean was the most larger group to travel to China, and the Japanese, American, Russian and Vietnamese followed the top one and was located in the top five.

Reference list
China Inbound Tourism in 2012. (2012). Travel China Guide. Retrieved from:
China Inbound Tourism in 2013. (2013). Travel China Guide. Retrieved from:

China Inbound Tourism in 2014. (2014). Travel China Guide. Retrieved from:

China Tourism Hotel Booking Data

       The bar chart shows hotel bookings  by tourists from foreign countries who visited China in 2014.  
      This is a column chart showing five cities. According to the chart, the largest number of overseas tourists were accommodation in Peking, so there were approximately 50000 people were hotel bookings. Shanghai made up the second-largest account, about 37000 people. Wuxi made up the smallest, no more than 2000 people.
      Overall, a number of  people were arriving in Chinese cities.
    Globe newswire (2015).China Tourism Statistics and Hotel Booking Data for 2014. Retrieved  

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The number of tourists in china

This graph shows the tourism in china, in millions, from 2010 to 2014. 
In 2010, there were approximately 133.7 million tourism. Then a gradual rise in 2011, reaching a peak of 135.4 million tourism in china. Then in 2012 it dropped suddenly to about 132.4 million. Followed by a steady fall in 2013 about 129.1 million. At the end of the 2014 the tourism in china reached the lowest 128.4 million. 
Overall, the graph shows that the most popular period for tourism in china is 2011. The least popular time is 2013 to 2014.
China National Tourism Administration. (n.d). China Tourism. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

The number of tourists to China between 2010 and 2014

    This line graph shows information about the number of tourists to China from 2010 to 2014.
        We can see the number of visitors came to China for travelling were under 134 million in 2010. However, the numbers increased steadily which was the top in 2011. Between 2011 and 2013, the visitors were decreased gradually. In 2014, the visitors was 129 million which was the lowest population .
      All in all, from 2011, the  numbers of visitors who came to China for travelling fell down steadily continued four years.
     China inbound tourism. (n.d.). Travel China Guide. 
     Retrieved from:

The number of tourists in Japan

by Japan Tourism Marketing Co. (2015)

          This line graph illustrates number of tourists in Japan between 2010 and 2014.
          The amount of travelers decreased dramatically from nearly nine million to six million as lowest point between 2010 and 2011 because Japan was suffered severe earthquake in 2011. However, it increased rapidly from six million to ten million from 2011 to 2013. In 2014, it reached top with thirteen million.
          In summary, the number of tourist in Japan fell quickly to lowest number in 2011 and it rose rapidly from 2011 to 2014.

The number of overseas tourists come to China

Tourists to China from 2010 to 2014


 This line graph illustrate the number of international visitors visit to China between rent five years from 2010 to 2014.
     As can be seen from the line graph, there were about 134 million oversea viistors come to China. Then there is a slight rise from 134 to 135 betwwen 2010 and 2011. This was followed  by a significant decline from 132 in 2012 to 129 in 2013. Then the number kept decreased trend, a steady fall from 129 in 2013 to 128 in 2014.
      To conclude, the overall trend for overseas visitors arrival to China was decreased , but the gap between the maximum number and the minimal number was not significant.


China National Tourism Administration. (n.d.). China Tourism.
               Retrieved  from

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The number of tourist arrivals in China

     This line graph shows the number of tourist arrivals in China from 2007 to 2012.
In 2007, 51.72 million people travelled to China, and the number of tourists declined
steadily until 2009.
 However, in 2010, this number increased dramatically, and this could
have been affected by the world expo in  Shanghai.
 Therefore, many foreign people arrived in China to visit expo,
and travelled to other places around China. After 2011, the number of tourists 
decrease steadily..
     All in all, between 2007 to 2012,  the most  and the least number of  visitors
arrived  in China in 2011 and 2009 respectively.

Tourism Market in China. (2013). Beijing: The EU SME Centre.

Foreign tourists visited Indonesia between 2009 - 2013

The line graph shows the number of visitors to Indonesia from 2009 – 2013.
As we see from year 2009 to 2012 the numbers shows us a steady growth. There was no significant increase during that time. In the other hand, It took 4 years to reach 8 million visitors to come to Indonesia. This is actually a very slow movement according Arief Yahya, Indonesia’s Minister Tourism.
Furthermore in order to improved that situation, in 2012 Indonesia’s government launced a new regulation for tourist from some country do not need to apply visa to visit Indonesia. And this regulation culminated in a significant increased of visitor by 2012. As shows in the graph, it reached almost more than 1 million tourists in only one year, from 2012 to 2013.

Over all, these data shows that Indonesian tourism growth was satisfactory. Between 2009 - 2013, there was never any decreasing. Hopefully next year, the number of tourists who come to Indonesia will continue to rise even better.


Indonesia Investment, (2015). Tourism in Indonesia: 9.3 million foreign visitors expected in 2014.
            Retrieve from:
