Sunday 22 February 2015

Self Introduction (Taka)

Hello, everyone.

My name is Mitsutaka Waga. I come from Japan. I have been New Zealand for nine months with my wife and daughter. It is first time to live in an overseas country. My daughter is five years old. She is very talkative and has a lot curiosity. She very often asks my wife and me "What is that? How do you do that? Why?". We try to answer her questions  as often as possible, however, her curiosity is unlimited. For this reason, unfortunately, we often give it up .

Then, I would like to talk about my work history. I worked as software developer for about thirteen years in Japan. Originally, I wanted to become a game programmer. However, game companies require extensive and deep technical knowledge such as programming language, Physics and Maths. So, I gave up  one of my dreams and was employed by a company which is not game production.

I want to immigrate to New Zealand. Work experience at New Zealand's local company is necessary to get the permanent residential visa. However, my English is not enough to get jobs in New Zealand, and I want to improve that. It is a reason to do EAP2 course. After finish the EAP2 course, I will enter a Graduate Diploma Information Technology.

I like to play the guitar very much. When I play it, I feel relaxed and fun. I started to play it ten years ago. I had the only one acoustic guitar in my life, but I didn't bring that to here because an overseas  delivery charge is not cheap. In the future, I will get a job and will buy new one.

Thank you all to read my introduction.

Mitsutaka Waga


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very good writing Taka, just a few grammar corrections. Overall, well written.
