Tuesday 10 March 2015

useful findings

· Acceptable abbreviations in the reference list for parts of books and other publication the following:
     Abbreviation                         Book or publication part
     ed.                                            edition
     Rev.ed.                                     Revised edition
     2nd ed.                                     second edition
     Ed.(Eds.)                                  Editor(Editors)
     Trans.                                       Translator(s)
     n.d.                                           no date
     p.(pp.)                                      page(pages)
     Vol.                                          Volume(as in Vol.4)
     Vols.                                         Volumes(as in Vols. 1-4)
     No.                                            Number
     Pt.                                              Part
     Tech.Rep.                                  Technical Report
     Suppl.                                        Supplement

· Order of References in the Reference List
     1. Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by initials of the author's given name.
     2. When ordering several works by the same first author's name in the firse and all subsquent references.
     3. Arrange works by diferent authorss with the same surname alphabetically by first initial.
     4.Occasionally,a work will have as its author an agency, association, or institution, or it will have no author at all.

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